Benson & Hedges are one of the iconic brands of England and sell well through the world , at one point the carried the royal seal as they were the chosen cigarette of the royal family , but the days of being one of the bigger selling brand in the UK is fading away as the price goes up , they were known for the extravagant adverts , they were also at one the sole-makers of silk cut , they also sponserd several horse racing events as well as snooker , but most famous for the sponsorship of cricket matches . These click and roll are quite new on the market in the uk, it seems like something that is impossible to do change the flavour of your cigarette halfway through .
£6.82 from Asda not bad price for the UK around mid priced.
It is a great pack , looks like they have really tried to make a modern B&H pack , its nice the colours go really well together , the effort really shows , they have also incorporated the capsule to full use on the pack as well , its one of the better modern packs out there, it slides like the Silver slide they make ( if you want them you have to ask for silver slide otherwise its in a normal pack ) but all the Dual ones are on the slid pack , this adds to the modern look , it all works really well. - Could be to flashy for some people , but hay , its just a pack its looks good , but its what's on the inside that counts. 8.5/10
The cig
Clear white filter , blue ball indicating where to click when you want to change the taste just says B&H dual nice cig design even looks like some effort has been made here aswell 8 mg of tar 0.6 mg of nicotine and 10mg of carbon monoxide so quite a light cig that's common with these click things , don't think there are any full strength it has a persporated filter so that takes any kick it might have away , it has quite a good traditional B&H flavour , usually before clicking when its a normal cig flavour is pretty bad but this is not bad at all it has quite a good flavour a little to light i like a nice light cig now and again , it is dosent deliver to much of a kick , normal taste quite good but a little light , so lets click it , it has a FANTASTIC flavour , very much like polos , the flavour is much better than before the click and the real enjoyment with this cig is when you click it usually its a menthol taste with the click but they have gone with this its has worked great - Good Bensen & Hedges quality great taste worth a try just for the flavour it really is good , much better than the pall mall ones so i would pay that bit extra just for the extra quality you do get. has a nice even burn - a little one the light side though - 7/10 for the cig as normal - 8/10 for the flavour its wonderful worth trying just for the flavour .
i just found one of these , never heard of DUAL ciggie. i was impressed especially when you ' snap' the filter thing, quite a good idea. premium brands are way too expensive for me though
ReplyDeleteHi i need some Benson and hedges snuff, i do not know any shop that sells it i live in the Manchester Area
ReplyDeleteTry "The Pipe Shop" in Edinburgh, if they don't have it ask, they have their contacts in the snuff business.