Information about my blog.
This is my first rolling tobacco review and probable one of very little of them as i don't really tend to smoke them.
Also to regular viewers the duty free cigs i promised a review on have all been wrote up and will be published in the coming weeks.
Amber leaf is a brand new product brought out to extend the Amber leaf name not to long ago all the packs still have the new on the wrappers. Amber Leaf is one of the top selling rolling tobacco's in the UK. Produced by gallaher group of Japan tobacco. ( JTI ) One the pack it reads as though Richard lloyd & sons.
From the press release they say there a cigarette like Virginia blend.
There available in a 12.5g crush proof box ( what i have ) and a 25g pouch.
Here in the uk more and more smokers are taking up rolling there own to save money as cigarettes are now going onto £7/8 a pack.
At the moment they are price marked packs so its £3.74 for the box and £7.31 for the 25g. Not bad at all when they both come with 50 rolling papers , much cheaper than cigarettes when you look at how many you can get out of a pack.
The packs once the price marks have all gone will go to a RRP of £3.87 for the box and £7.57 for 25g.
- The crush box contains 12.5g of tobacco.
- Filters are not included although papers are if you want to smoke them with filters you will have to buy them separate.
I don't like the normal amber leaf pack , but this is a nice pack , looks like some work has gone into it all goes together well. The Amber Leaf logo on the white back ground goes together well. Its not the best there has ever been , but its not bad at all.
The cig.
First thing we see from the pack when you look at it i its a mellow cut and a smooth taste so we will see if that is the case. On the little tobacco pouch inside it reads ( it goes on forever ill cut it down to the important points ) they say it has a paler colour to normal Amber leaf its cut into longer strands for easier rolling ( helps to some extent not much difference ) from the worlds premium tobacco fields then its says we can expect a easy roll and mellow smooth flavour. Plus loads more crap on the back so lets get lit up.
first drag it is smooth so we can tick that one off its also very mellow so we can tick that off but to me it seems a little to mellow very easy to smoke no harshness to them ( harsh without a filter though ) Very sweet flavour , a few have said there is not much difference between the normal Amber leaf , its nice to have a pure tobacco and no FSC good a nicotine rush from them.
- A little to mellow
- Nice flavour
- Very smooth smoke
- Good rush off them.
Artical about the launch and pic of the pack
Cig review
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Monday, 26 November 2012
du Maurier Red ( Canada )
massive thanks to RJ for sending these in a pack swap , if you havent already please check out videos amazing work.
Sorry for the delay in the review from the last been really bust of late.
Dont know to much about these as there from Canada and before the other i have reviewed i had never tried one before. Quick google search reveals this for me the brand is named after Sir Gerald du Maurier a British actor and manager. Produced by Imperial Tobacco Canada. Became quite well known for there sponsorship of the Canadian women's open until 1999.
Very nice packaging i like it the red looks great .
The cig.
Very light tobacco one of the lightest i have seen the logos are on the filter says du M ( short for the full name of the brand) and has a red band. Smelling the Tobacco its not a very nice smell lets get it lit up, first drag it has a strong flavour feel a bit of a kick in the back of you throat as it goes down. Quite a strong cigarette , getting a great nicotine rush of it great burn time very slow describing a flavour is a bit hard for me , but i can tell you its not to bad very smooth flavour
- A little harsh
- Smooth flavour
- Good burn time
- Good nicotine rush
- According to what i have read there expensive
Not to bad good smoke but not the best i have had.
Sorry for the delay in the review from the last been really bust of late.
Dont know to much about these as there from Canada and before the other i have reviewed i had never tried one before. Quick google search reveals this for me the brand is named after Sir Gerald du Maurier a British actor and manager. Produced by Imperial Tobacco Canada. Became quite well known for there sponsorship of the Canadian women's open until 1999.
Very nice packaging i like it the red looks great .
The cig.
Very light tobacco one of the lightest i have seen the logos are on the filter says du M ( short for the full name of the brand) and has a red band. Smelling the Tobacco its not a very nice smell lets get it lit up, first drag it has a strong flavour feel a bit of a kick in the back of you throat as it goes down. Quite a strong cigarette , getting a great nicotine rush of it great burn time very slow describing a flavour is a bit hard for me , but i can tell you its not to bad very smooth flavour
- A little harsh
- Smooth flavour
- Good burn time
- Good nicotine rush
- According to what i have read there expensive
Not to bad good smoke but not the best i have had.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Davidoff ID touch Orange ( UK )
First off massive thank's to RJ for sending me these in a pack swap as there not available where i am and if you haven't already, please check out his great YouTube channel.
Firs off as i said these aren't available in the north or England only in places in the south on a trial base ( i will put some links at the end of the review , more reading on the launch ect.. ) Davidoff are a quality name they also produce cigars and pipe tobacco, by name alone i expect quality.They are a well established brand. The ID range has had a lot put into its launch around Europe, the pack is actually designed by up and coming artists , i don't know to much about Davidoff and this is my first ever cigarette from them. The after shave is actually a division of the cigarette company so from what i have read the aftershave is in a way the same company.
Davidoff usually have a high price and these follow suit and are around the £7 to £ 8 mark.
The pack is amazing as you will see in the pictures , has a great quality look to it. One of the best packs to have come out in recent times. Even with the warnings they have done a great job to still make it look amazing. Carry s a lot of information on the pack but still looks great and all the designs go together. This is a glide tec pack ( same as the new Lambert & Butler ) this means there is a squar and you push it up and it opens a compartment and slides the compartment that holds the cigarettes. It very good and flashy but the pack becomes a lot bigger and dosent fit in your pocket as good and overhaul for that reason it can be a bit of a pain the the backside. But its still a great pack.
The cig
The great design even extends to the cig itself. The filter dosent usually house a design this does it says ID all over it it looks nice we then have two bands and it says Davidoff ID the designings on the cig looks great. Looks very well made no lose tobacco, papers got a OK roll on it. Dark coloured tobacco . Smells a bit like coco , dry drag sweet flavour to it. lets get lit up. First drag, very smooth flavour really easy going down every even burn from the start. Great flavour for a 10 tar 0.8 nic and 10 carbon m im surprised at how smooth it is to smoke. Real full body to it , half way down getting a nice nicotine hit ive already had a few of these and to me this is a perfect cigarette nice burn time smooth smoke good nicotine hit. Its hard for me to describe flavours as some times its better to try them for yourself but its really good, different to other cigs it does stand out , but in a good way. Toward the end it does become a little harsher but is still a smooth smoke. Flavour stays consistent.Worth getting if you can get them where they are stocked.
Good points
-Great flavour stays consistent different from other brand available , its very unique and is great.
- Good burn time and every a even burn.
-Amazing pack design and cig design.
- Great nicotine hit.
Bad points.
-It has contact paper before the filter ( personal as i don't like it )
- The biggest problem for it only available in the south of England if anyone from Davidoff reads it please bring them out across the uk.
10/10- Really worth getting and trying they really are amazing.
RJ's review on them.
Info about them.
First off massive thank's to RJ for sending me these in a pack swap as there not available where i am and if you haven't already, please check out his great YouTube channel.
Firs off as i said these aren't available in the north or England only in places in the south on a trial base ( i will put some links at the end of the review , more reading on the launch ect.. ) Davidoff are a quality name they also produce cigars and pipe tobacco, by name alone i expect quality.They are a well established brand. The ID range has had a lot put into its launch around Europe, the pack is actually designed by up and coming artists , i don't know to much about Davidoff and this is my first ever cigarette from them. The after shave is actually a division of the cigarette company so from what i have read the aftershave is in a way the same company.
Davidoff usually have a high price and these follow suit and are around the £7 to £ 8 mark.
The pack is amazing as you will see in the pictures , has a great quality look to it. One of the best packs to have come out in recent times. Even with the warnings they have done a great job to still make it look amazing. Carry s a lot of information on the pack but still looks great and all the designs go together. This is a glide tec pack ( same as the new Lambert & Butler ) this means there is a squar and you push it up and it opens a compartment and slides the compartment that holds the cigarettes. It very good and flashy but the pack becomes a lot bigger and dosent fit in your pocket as good and overhaul for that reason it can be a bit of a pain the the backside. But its still a great pack.
The cig
The great design even extends to the cig itself. The filter dosent usually house a design this does it says ID all over it it looks nice we then have two bands and it says Davidoff ID the designings on the cig looks great. Looks very well made no lose tobacco, papers got a OK roll on it. Dark coloured tobacco . Smells a bit like coco , dry drag sweet flavour to it. lets get lit up. First drag, very smooth flavour really easy going down every even burn from the start. Great flavour for a 10 tar 0.8 nic and 10 carbon m im surprised at how smooth it is to smoke. Real full body to it , half way down getting a nice nicotine hit ive already had a few of these and to me this is a perfect cigarette nice burn time smooth smoke good nicotine hit. Its hard for me to describe flavours as some times its better to try them for yourself but its really good, different to other cigs it does stand out , but in a good way. Toward the end it does become a little harsher but is still a smooth smoke. Flavour stays consistent.Worth getting if you can get them where they are stocked.
Good points
-Great flavour stays consistent different from other brand available , its very unique and is great.
- Good burn time and every a even burn.
-Amazing pack design and cig design.
- Great nicotine hit.
Bad points.
-It has contact paper before the filter ( personal as i don't like it )
- The biggest problem for it only available in the south of England if anyone from Davidoff reads it please bring them out across the uk.
10/10- Really worth getting and trying they really are amazing.
RJ's review on them.
Info about them.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Export A Review ( Canada )
First off a massive thanks to RJ for sending me these in a pack swap without him this review wouldn't be possible. Great guy and great videos , so guys if you haven't already please check out his YouTube channel .
All i can tell you about theses is what i found on the internet , with them being from Canada i don't know to much about them, the brand is called Export , the a comes as part of the range from what i can gather from what i am reading about them. Produced by JTI Macdonald on Wikipedia it says there available around the world , i can tell you being from England i have never seen them before. The recognized products are the Export a line , there is a Export plain available ( Unfiltered ) aswell as a rolling tobacco. I think they are quit populour in Canada , but im not sure. On the pack it says they have been made since 1928.
( Pictures of packaging will be at the bottom of this review. )
Ignoring the HUGE warning that Canada has to have in both French and English , its in a green pack unusual for a non menthol cigarette. But the green works very well and goes nice with the white x and the writing and the women all go together to produce a nice pack , a little plain and basic though.
-8/10- Would be miles better if it was not for the warning's bit plain and basic but overhaul a very nice well thought out pack that goes together.
The cig
First off the content is much higher than anything available in the E.U as Canada and America ect.. don't have limits.
The first thing you will notice is the small filter , it will shock nearly everyone , but this is actually how filters were when they were first introduced they were only small. This dosent effect its size , its a king size cigarette . As i said small filter , very light in colour green band where the filter meets the paper says Export 'A' in green and 2 more green bands. It has contact paper just before the filter i hate contact paper . Dry drag smooth flavour nice a sweet , smell before lighting it up , very sweet smell , but not that heavy.Light colour tobacco.
Lets get it lit up.
Good flavour from the first drag, not to harsh to me it goes down very smooth. Nice even burn from the start , i love the flavour its sweet , getting a good nicotine rush off of it. Burning nice a slow , still even. I'm picking up a smoky flavour to it ( i know it sounds stupid ) its quite unique to anything i have had before. Its giving off quite the nicotine rush as i haven't had stronger than a E.U cig in a while. Its a enjoyable cigarette, the flavour stays consistent.
8 out of 10
- Good flavour nice even burn not to bad a burn time great nicotine rush enjoyed it.

- Pack pictures - Canadian packs have large warning one side in English the other in French.

First off a massive thanks to RJ for sending me these in a pack swap without him this review wouldn't be possible. Great guy and great videos , so guys if you haven't already please check out his YouTube channel .
All i can tell you about theses is what i found on the internet , with them being from Canada i don't know to much about them, the brand is called Export , the a comes as part of the range from what i can gather from what i am reading about them. Produced by JTI Macdonald on Wikipedia it says there available around the world , i can tell you being from England i have never seen them before. The recognized products are the Export a line , there is a Export plain available ( Unfiltered ) aswell as a rolling tobacco. I think they are quit populour in Canada , but im not sure. On the pack it says they have been made since 1928.
( Pictures of packaging will be at the bottom of this review. )
Ignoring the HUGE warning that Canada has to have in both French and English , its in a green pack unusual for a non menthol cigarette. But the green works very well and goes nice with the white x and the writing and the women all go together to produce a nice pack , a little plain and basic though.
-8/10- Would be miles better if it was not for the warning's bit plain and basic but overhaul a very nice well thought out pack that goes together.
The cig
First off the content is much higher than anything available in the E.U as Canada and America ect.. don't have limits.
The first thing you will notice is the small filter , it will shock nearly everyone , but this is actually how filters were when they were first introduced they were only small. This dosent effect its size , its a king size cigarette . As i said small filter , very light in colour green band where the filter meets the paper says Export 'A' in green and 2 more green bands. It has contact paper just before the filter i hate contact paper . Dry drag smooth flavour nice a sweet , smell before lighting it up , very sweet smell , but not that heavy.Light colour tobacco.
Lets get it lit up.
Good flavour from the first drag, not to harsh to me it goes down very smooth. Nice even burn from the start , i love the flavour its sweet , getting a good nicotine rush off of it. Burning nice a slow , still even. I'm picking up a smoky flavour to it ( i know it sounds stupid ) its quite unique to anything i have had before. Its giving off quite the nicotine rush as i haven't had stronger than a E.U cig in a while. Its a enjoyable cigarette, the flavour stays consistent.
8 out of 10
- Good flavour nice even burn not to bad a burn time great nicotine rush enjoyed it.
- Pack pictures - Canadian packs have large warning one side in English the other in French.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Embassy Number 1 ( UK )
- This is a request from the amazing ryan.
First off sorry for the delays been really busy of late, so embassy quite a big brand in the UK , nearly everyone has tried or been on embassy at some point, when the were relaunch in the 60s more money was spent on it than any other cigarette before it. They used to run coupons where you could collect them and buy things. Originally made by Wills , embassy used to have a lot of cigarettes out number 7 premium embassy extra mild and even a menthol. Today only the filter and these remain. Embassy was the sole sponser of the world snooker but had to give it up when the advertising ban came in the sponserd it for i think around 30 years.
Cost a lot these days , but you get what you pay for, same price as Regal at around £7.80.
They have had a update they used to be the same font as Regal but now its been updated it still has that classic look , but its not for me the old pack will always be better. A lot of people say they look the same Regal the reason for this is Embassy make them Regal used to be called Embassy Regal.
The cig.
Big filter just like Regal , same colour just says Embassy number 1 lets get it lit up , first drag , very smooth flavour great taste not as harsh as Regal , very smokable from just the first few drags, burning quite evenly , like Regal there burn time compared with most brands is quite shocking to say the least. There flavour has changed quite a bit hard to tell you what it tastes like , but it is nice. i type this as i smoke not a lot has been added and im past half way ( burn time for you.) its easily one of the better tasting cigs out there., very sweet. Even towards the end they stay a very smooth smoke. Decent nicotine rush from them. Worth every penny. i still prefer Regal to these as there my every day smoke.
- Good smoke , good flavour , even burn , good nicotine rush
- Awful burn time.
i prefer Regal but a great smoke non the less. Worth getting if you have never tryed them you wont be disaponted , every one should try Regal and Embassy some of the iconic brands of the UK.
old pack ( No longer available anywhere just added to show the difference , might still be same on duty free from abroad .)
New modern design ( Only packaging available in the UK pic in link . )
- This is a request from the amazing ryan.
First off sorry for the delays been really busy of late, so embassy quite a big brand in the UK , nearly everyone has tried or been on embassy at some point, when the were relaunch in the 60s more money was spent on it than any other cigarette before it. They used to run coupons where you could collect them and buy things. Originally made by Wills , embassy used to have a lot of cigarettes out number 7 premium embassy extra mild and even a menthol. Today only the filter and these remain. Embassy was the sole sponser of the world snooker but had to give it up when the advertising ban came in the sponserd it for i think around 30 years.
Cost a lot these days , but you get what you pay for, same price as Regal at around £7.80.
They have had a update they used to be the same font as Regal but now its been updated it still has that classic look , but its not for me the old pack will always be better. A lot of people say they look the same Regal the reason for this is Embassy make them Regal used to be called Embassy Regal.
The cig.
Big filter just like Regal , same colour just says Embassy number 1 lets get it lit up , first drag , very smooth flavour great taste not as harsh as Regal , very smokable from just the first few drags, burning quite evenly , like Regal there burn time compared with most brands is quite shocking to say the least. There flavour has changed quite a bit hard to tell you what it tastes like , but it is nice. i type this as i smoke not a lot has been added and im past half way ( burn time for you.) its easily one of the better tasting cigs out there., very sweet. Even towards the end they stay a very smooth smoke. Decent nicotine rush from them. Worth every penny. i still prefer Regal to these as there my every day smoke.
- Good smoke , good flavour , even burn , good nicotine rush
- Awful burn time.
i prefer Regal but a great smoke non the less. Worth getting if you have never tryed them you wont be disaponted , every one should try Regal and Embassy some of the iconic brands of the UK.
old pack ( No longer available anywhere just added to show the difference , might still be same on duty free from abroad .)
New modern design ( Only packaging available in the UK pic in link . )
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Belmont ( Canada )
( Later today Embassy numer 1 from the uk )
To start with i would like to issue 2 thanks you's the first one to you reading now as my blog recently passed 1000 page views so later in the coming week i will do a little celebration with a series of reviews . Secondly to RJ massive thank you for not only sending them but for his continued support so thanks to RJ if it wasn't for you i would never of got to try so many different tobacco products
please check out his channel -
The only thing i can add about these is they have a charcoal filter which is quite rare the only other brand i know of is Mild Seven ( who sponserd Renault and Benatton in f1 ) . I think it helps make the lighter im not sure.
The packaging.
Very similar to Regal here in the uk very close to the same design i like it -8/10
Being from Canada they have large health warnings and one side is English the other i believe French.

The cig
White filter Belmont in blue gold and blue stripe below it , the charcoal filter gives off a black look in the filter. dry drag gives a light sweet flavour off , lets get it lit up. First drag you get a very smooth flavour very smokeable , not harsh at all , sort of rolls down your throat . not harsh at all quite a light flavour not much of a kick to them. Half way through you start to get a light nicotine rush , the flavour is very nice . Seems a good tobacco. The flavour is remaining very smooth. Becomes a little harsher getting towards the end , remains a nice even burn. Has a great burn time. Nice enjoyable cigarette.
9 out of 10.
- Nice flavour , good burn time nice nicotine rush good tobacco used
- A little light to start off with.
- This is my first ever charcole filter i have to say it was quite a good.
( Later today Embassy numer 1 from the uk )
To start with i would like to issue 2 thanks you's the first one to you reading now as my blog recently passed 1000 page views so later in the coming week i will do a little celebration with a series of reviews . Secondly to RJ massive thank you for not only sending them but for his continued support so thanks to RJ if it wasn't for you i would never of got to try so many different tobacco products
please check out his channel -
The only thing i can add about these is they have a charcoal filter which is quite rare the only other brand i know of is Mild Seven ( who sponserd Renault and Benatton in f1 ) . I think it helps make the lighter im not sure.
The packaging.
Very similar to Regal here in the uk very close to the same design i like it -8/10
Being from Canada they have large health warnings and one side is English the other i believe French.
The cig
White filter Belmont in blue gold and blue stripe below it , the charcoal filter gives off a black look in the filter. dry drag gives a light sweet flavour off , lets get it lit up. First drag you get a very smooth flavour very smokeable , not harsh at all , sort of rolls down your throat . not harsh at all quite a light flavour not much of a kick to them. Half way through you start to get a light nicotine rush , the flavour is very nice . Seems a good tobacco. The flavour is remaining very smooth. Becomes a little harsher getting towards the end , remains a nice even burn. Has a great burn time. Nice enjoyable cigarette.
9 out of 10.
- Nice flavour , good burn time nice nicotine rush good tobacco used
- A little light to start off with.
- This is my first ever charcole filter i have to say it was quite a good.
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Cohiba Mini ( UK )
Massive thank you for sending them me to
First off a massive thanks to rj for them so please check out his channel great guy with great video's.
First off Cohiba are a massive name in cigars producing lots of different types of cigars and are a quality name. Martell currently have a cognac that is branded under the Cohiba name , i think it has been made with Cohiba to have a good drink with your cigars. The tax stamp indicates it has come from Cuba. I cant add to much as Cigars aren't my best known about subject.
Nice box , very well presented nice design colour and fonts go well together , all very nice looks quality
The cigar
Paper is very light in colour , rolled very well for a small cigar , dark tobacco colour , just by looking at it , it has a quality look to it. Sweet smell ( smelling from the pack , smelling from just the cigar not much smell ) it kind of smells like tea nice smell. Having a dry drag , sweet again , taste similar to the smell ( sound's mental but it does. ) The cigar is quite soft , so lets get it lit up. Not as harsh as the cafe creme i did , much smoother flavour has a classic cigar taste to it , finding it hard to describe a flavour , but it is nice very pleasant smoke, nice slow burn. Just before halfway it went out. Were not meant to but i will inhale it to see what flavour and experience we get, strong flavour better to inhale than the cafe creme but don't as its not what you do. The cigars are great if you are a cigar smoker and are going to a pub where you cant smoke , good size and a pleasant smoke for the size, the flavour is coming through more its quite rich, it has burned even and slow throughout, it becomes a lot harsher to the end but is still a very nice little cigar. it become's very soft nearer to the end. I felt very relaxed after this smoke.
First off a massive thanks to rj for them so please check out his channel great guy with great video's.
First off Cohiba are a massive name in cigars producing lots of different types of cigars and are a quality name. Martell currently have a cognac that is branded under the Cohiba name , i think it has been made with Cohiba to have a good drink with your cigars. The tax stamp indicates it has come from Cuba. I cant add to much as Cigars aren't my best known about subject.
Nice box , very well presented nice design colour and fonts go well together , all very nice looks quality
The cigar
Paper is very light in colour , rolled very well for a small cigar , dark tobacco colour , just by looking at it , it has a quality look to it. Sweet smell ( smelling from the pack , smelling from just the cigar not much smell ) it kind of smells like tea nice smell. Having a dry drag , sweet again , taste similar to the smell ( sound's mental but it does. ) The cigar is quite soft , so lets get it lit up. Not as harsh as the cafe creme i did , much smoother flavour has a classic cigar taste to it , finding it hard to describe a flavour , but it is nice very pleasant smoke, nice slow burn. Just before halfway it went out. Were not meant to but i will inhale it to see what flavour and experience we get, strong flavour better to inhale than the cafe creme but don't as its not what you do. The cigars are great if you are a cigar smoker and are going to a pub where you cant smoke , good size and a pleasant smoke for the size, the flavour is coming through more its quite rich, it has burned even and slow throughout, it becomes a lot harsher to the end but is still a very nice little cigar. it become's very soft nearer to the end. I felt very relaxed after this smoke.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Sabor Geracoes ( G E ) filtro cigarette review,
upcoming review 2 cigar reviews and more from another pack swap with RJ
Another big thank you to rj for sending these to me in a pack swap. -
Don't know to much about these there either from France or Portugal i think France but on the side the people who make them have something about Portugal , anyway these are a very small cig much like Embassy filter and Regal filter only a very small paper and tobacco section. Id say there 4 to 5 less drags than a king size.
It comes in a soft pack i like soft packs except when you have them in your pocket the can get a bit squashed and your cigs can get crushed . The lettering and the colouring all goes well but it is a very plain pack really.
The cig
If you have never had a Regal or Embassy filter you will really be surprised by who small they really are ( similar size to them ) The filter dosent look like any i have seen before has a sort of patten . Very dark in colour with a few light bits ( Tan colouring ) Just says sg in black on the body. Darkish tobacco colour . Smelling them from the pack it has a nice smell. Dry drag smooth and sweet , first drag after lighting up , very unusual taste , quite toasted not the same as lucky strike this is all together unique. Nice even burn. Not the best taste but it is nice but there is deffantley better out there . Good nicotine hit for the size of the cig , slowish burn time. Not to harsh quite smooth to smoke. A little stronger towards the end.
- Great nicotine hit.
- Nice burn time for the size of the cig.
- Quite a strange taste
- These are good cig for going out somewhere where you cant smoke so if you are standing out in the rain you aren't there for long.
upcoming review 2 cigar reviews and more from another pack swap with RJ
Another big thank you to rj for sending these to me in a pack swap. -
Don't know to much about these there either from France or Portugal i think France but on the side the people who make them have something about Portugal , anyway these are a very small cig much like Embassy filter and Regal filter only a very small paper and tobacco section. Id say there 4 to 5 less drags than a king size.
It comes in a soft pack i like soft packs except when you have them in your pocket the can get a bit squashed and your cigs can get crushed . The lettering and the colouring all goes well but it is a very plain pack really.
The cig
If you have never had a Regal or Embassy filter you will really be surprised by who small they really are ( similar size to them ) The filter dosent look like any i have seen before has a sort of patten . Very dark in colour with a few light bits ( Tan colouring ) Just says sg in black on the body. Darkish tobacco colour . Smelling them from the pack it has a nice smell. Dry drag smooth and sweet , first drag after lighting up , very unusual taste , quite toasted not the same as lucky strike this is all together unique. Nice even burn. Not the best taste but it is nice but there is deffantley better out there . Good nicotine hit for the size of the cig , slowish burn time. Not to harsh quite smooth to smoke. A little stronger towards the end.
- Great nicotine hit.
- Nice burn time for the size of the cig.
- Quite a strange taste
- These are good cig for going out somewhere where you cant smoke so if you are standing out in the rain you aren't there for long.
Kool Filter king size menthol ( France )
Kool menthol review from France.
To start with i would like to send a massive thank you out to rj for sending me these in a pack swap , great guy and if you haven't already please check out his YouTube channel .
- - please if you havent check out his channel.
Kool are quite a widely smoked menthol cigarette from what i have heard in the USA, in america Rj reynolds make them but in the E.U there made by British American tobacco , first produced in the early 30s originally like most old brand only available unfiltered filters were added when they became more popular in the 60s . Nat King Cole the singer actually smoked kool's he chain smoked them and could go through 3 packs a day or more . A penguin was there mascot at the start. Not the biggest menthol smoker but for some reason i have always like to try them and Kool is the one i have always wanted to try , but there not available in the UK.
Packaging .
Has a good look to it , easy to tell its menthol and it does stand out , lettering stands out and is arranged well overhaul nice pack .
The cig.
Inside the cig
90.5 % tobacco paper 6.5 % texture 3.0 % - that's my own translation so i think that's what it is.
10mg tar 0.8 mg nicotine 10 mg carbon monoxide that's quite high for a menthol there usually around 8mg
Paper is held down nice , dark coloured tobacco says Kool like it does on the pack in green. Dry drag light taste nice flavour , lighting it up and first drag ,menthol hits you straight away not a overpowering menthol taste that's a let down for a lot of menthol cigs but not for these. Few drags in burning nice and even. Burn time is a little fast. Not as good as the St.moritz but there expensive but there up there nice menthol flavour , good nicotine hit , the taste stays through out. The mint flavour is good in the mouth
- Nice nicotine hit
- Good menthol not overpowering
- But a fast burn time
-9 out of 10
And please check out rj's channel
To start with i would like to send a massive thank you out to rj for sending me these in a pack swap , great guy and if you haven't already please check out his YouTube channel .
- - please if you havent check out his channel.
Kool are quite a widely smoked menthol cigarette from what i have heard in the USA, in america Rj reynolds make them but in the E.U there made by British American tobacco , first produced in the early 30s originally like most old brand only available unfiltered filters were added when they became more popular in the 60s . Nat King Cole the singer actually smoked kool's he chain smoked them and could go through 3 packs a day or more . A penguin was there mascot at the start. Not the biggest menthol smoker but for some reason i have always like to try them and Kool is the one i have always wanted to try , but there not available in the UK.
Packaging .
Has a good look to it , easy to tell its menthol and it does stand out , lettering stands out and is arranged well overhaul nice pack .
The cig.
Inside the cig
90.5 % tobacco paper 6.5 % texture 3.0 % - that's my own translation so i think that's what it is.
10mg tar 0.8 mg nicotine 10 mg carbon monoxide that's quite high for a menthol there usually around 8mg
Paper is held down nice , dark coloured tobacco says Kool like it does on the pack in green. Dry drag light taste nice flavour , lighting it up and first drag ,menthol hits you straight away not a overpowering menthol taste that's a let down for a lot of menthol cigs but not for these. Few drags in burning nice and even. Burn time is a little fast. Not as good as the St.moritz but there expensive but there up there nice menthol flavour , good nicotine hit , the taste stays through out. The mint flavour is good in the mouth
- Nice nicotine hit
- Good menthol not overpowering
- But a fast burn time
-9 out of 10
And please check out rj's channel
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